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Online  Training

Established in 1996 with Canadian Government start-up funding, CANADEM is an international not-for-profit NGO dedicated to advancing international peace and security through the rostering, rapid mobilization, and mission management of experts committed to International Service with the UN, other IGOs, NGOs, and governments.


CANADEM has entered into a partnership with the Humanitarian Leadership Academy to provide CANADEM roster members with courses intended to strengthen their response capacity through the global learning platform, Kaya. 

Click and discover courses that are useful for CANADEM roster members:
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provided below:
  • (Child) Protection
    Introduction to child protection The goals, programmes, challenges and achievements of UNICEF's child protection work. Being Accountable to Affected People This course will introduce you to key concepts in accountability, and help you ensure you always act in a way that is accountable to the people affected by your humanitarian response. Child Protection in Conflict Settings A mid-level course that uses practical scenarios to cover many issues that you may face when working in child protection in conflict settings. Child Rights and Why They Matter This short course will transform and/or refresh your understanding of child rights and a child rights approach, introduce you to UNICEF’s mandate as it relates to child rights, and inspire you to apply a child rights lens to your everyday work and life. Best interests of the child Core principles for the development and well-being of children.
  • Gender
    Gender Issues in Humanitarian Action Pathway Explore gender issues in humanitarian action in this learning pathway. Introduction to Sexual Exploitation and Abuse Learn how to identify and prevent sexual exploitation and abuse. Prevention of Sexual Exploitation and Abuse The Prevention of Sexual Exploitation and Abuse course, developed by UNHCR, aims to raise awareness about how acts of sexual exploitation and abuse impact individuals and whole communities and what to do about it. Managing sexual exploitation and abuse investigations This course explores how to manage an investigation into an accusation of sexual exploitation and abuse. Sexual and gender based violence Identifying and preventing SGBV.
  • DRR
    Global Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Pathway This Disaster Risk Reduction and Management (DRRM) course has been designed to provide an in-depth overview of DRRM to humanitarian professionals interested in expanding their knowledge on DRRM. Child Centered Community-Based Disaster Risk Reduction and Management This online course on Child-Centered CBDRRM and CCA Programming targets local government DRRM officers and their staff, other LGU officials and staff and other local stakeholders... Role of Local NGOs in Disaster Risk Reduction and Community of Practice Launch An hour-long recorded webinar on the role of NGOs in disaster risk reduction and the launching of the community of practice. Facilitating Inclusion in Disaster Preparedness An hour-long recorded webinar on facilitating inclusion in disaster preparedness. Fundraising in Disaster Preparedness An hour-long recorded webinar on current trends and challenges in mobilizing resources and investments to support community-led disaster preparedness programs. BLAST DRRM: Introduction to Community Based Disaster Risk Reduction Management This is a self-guided and fully online module. BLAST DRRM: Mainstreaming Disaster Risk Reduction Management in the Community This is a self-guided and fully online module. BLAST DRRM: Community Contingency Planning This is a self-guided and fully online module.
  • Cash
    Cash and Voucher Assistance - The Fundamentals This course will introduce you to the fundamentals of Cash and Voucher Assistance (CVA) and will help you to begin understanding it. Core Cash and Voucher Assistance Skills for Programme Staff A 5-day face to face training on Core CVA skills for programme staff. Monitoring 4 CVA A 1 day face to face training on Monitoring 4 CVA.
  • Education
    Inclusive Education An online e-learning course that provides a basic understanding of Inclusive Education in order to be able to promote it. It is especially relevant for education technical experts. What your audience needs to know in an emergency: EDUCATION Tools for the media - an easy to read guide on the important humanitarian issue of education, and how to cover it in programming.
  • Health
    Effects of Emergencies on Health and Nutrition - An Introduction This is an introductory course on effects of emergencies on health and nutrition, aimed at humanitarian field workers and health and nutrition professionals. Effects of Emergencies on Health and Nutrition - An Advanced Guide This is an advanced course, a guide for health and nutrition professionals to help predict the impact of different emergencies on health and nutrition. Measles Control in Emergencies Learn the principles and practice in the prevention, investigation and response to potential measles outbreaks in emergency situations.
  • Wash
    Introduction to Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH) This module describes UNICEF's work in the field of Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH), and why it matters. WASH’NUTRITION The objective of this course is to widely promote the integrated approach and increase the effective application of WASH and Nutrition interventions. Technical Project Management (TPM) in WASH Emergencies Learn about planning, resourcing, and implementing a technical WASH engineering project. Information, Education and Communication (IEC) in WASH emergencies Learn to design, implement, and monitor Information, Education and Communication (IEC) interventions in Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH) emergencies.
  • Coordination/Management
    PgMD Pro: Program Management This course was created to provide program managers with advice, tools and guidance to assist them in more effectively fulfilling their role, whether that be at the local, regional, or international levels. People Management A good humanitarian response attempts to reach people in need across significant distances and at pace. As a result, field managers are presented with a unique set of people management challenges... Field Office Setup The key is to understand the environment, and the procedural steps to opening an office and maintaining the correct balance between risk exposure and risk mitigation at every stage... How to Set Up and Run a Response Operation This course is aimed at individuals who want to learn the key elements of a humanitarian response, exploring the different response phases and the operational components required to run an effective response. Staff Care and Wellbeing Wellbeing and mental health support are crucial to enable our team members to work effectively in their roles. As Field Managers, it is our moral obligation to ensure the safety and wellbeing of our staff...
  • Communications and IM
    Communication is Aid Communicating with crisis-affected communities - this is the new and improved course, made in collaboration by CDAC and the Humanitarian Leadership Academy. Humanitarian Information Management, Communications and Media This course is aimed at individuals who wish to gain an understanding of Information Management, Communications and Media in Humanitarian Contexts. What your audience needs to know in an emergency: CHILD PROTECTION Tools for the media - an easy to read guide on the important humanitarian issue of child protection, and how to cover it in programming. Responsible Data Management in Emergencies This course aims to underline the responsibility of humanitarian actors to ensure safe and responsible management of the data they collect from people as part of their humanitarian activities. Information security Learn the importance of data handling, and the associated risks.
  • Logistics
    Inventory Management The role of inventory management is to ensure that stock is available to meet the needs of the beneficiaries as and when required. This course aims to improve your knowledge in the area of inventory management in the humanitarian context. Strategic Planning and Logistics Needs Assessment Strategic planning is a necessary function of emergency logistics. It reduces time to delivery, consolidates resources and acts as a force multiplier for the organisation. Strategic planning is key to participating in the cluster system... Warehousing The use of warehouses for storing emergency relief items has been proven to improve overall responsiveness, efficiency and effectiveness of the humanitarian supply chain while decreasing the cost incurred in the process. Procurement Procurement is the process of identifying and obtaining goods and services. It includes sourcing, purchasing and covers all activities from identifying potential suppliers through to delivery from supplier to the users or beneficiary.
  • Other
    Introduction to International Humanitarian Law (IHL) An introductory course on the basics of International Humanitarian Law (IHL). It is principally addressed to humanitarian practitioners, policy-makers and other professionals who are keen on understanding how and when this body of law applies, and whom it protects. Equality, Diversity and Inclusion During humanitarian crises vulnerable people can often be overlooked. Understanding how to promote equality, diversity and inclusion is crucial in effectively supporting people of all ages and backgrounds in a non-discriminatory and equitable manner. Working in Partnerships This course is targeted towards individuals who wish to gain an understanding of the key principles of working in partnerships in humanitarian responses. Key messages in humanitarian response Animations covering key messages in humanitarian response. Understanding Older People and Their Needs in a Humanitarian Context Understand ageing and the challenges older men and women face and the factors that put them at increased risk in a humanitarian crisis caused by conflict or natural disaster. Recruitment and Induction in Emergencies Field Managers involved in recruitment and induction activities have an important role to play in making sure these processes work effectively. This course is designed to improve your knowledge on how to recruit and induct staff in emergencies.
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